Elrick Greylight

Get to Know Her

Age: Early 20s
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Sexuality: Pansexual
Class: Warrior
Partners: Sarah Plowse and Marcus Stride
Nicknames: El, Ellie, Tot

Elrick doesn't discuss her past openly. She was taken as a child by a group of thieves and given a new name. She has no memory of her parents or anything before she was taken. She was raised with a few other children, and they were all like a family. As she got a little older, she was running around stealing stuff with her brothers, as she was told it would help the 'family.' Her body is covered in scars from her past life, having taken beatings when failing a mission. Her brother recently was able to pull her out of her old life and is starting new, confused by many of the new things she sees. Taking up the responsibility of a Warrior, she wants to protect others instead of harm them.


Where to Find Her

-Honey Bee Venues (https://www.honeybeevenues.com/)
-Venue Hopping
-Ocean Fishing


Age: 19
Pronouns: Any
Characters: Shiro Greylight (Malboro), Elrick Greylight (Coeurl), Haruki Greylight (Goblin), Emilie Greylight (Mateus)
I've been playing FFXIV for 3 years, but only got into the rp scene recently. You can find me at venues, ocean fishing, Bozja, mount farms, and PVP.